I haven’t done one of my round ups for a long time now. If I tell you that my mail box is full of messages asking for the Principles Money posts article you probably won’t believe me; and you will be right. Still, I intend to do this a bit more often again – I owe some recognition to fellow bloggers who have made me think and/or excited my curiosity and it always feels good when I can offer you, my readers something that makes your life easier and more enjoyable.
It seems I have moved into a period of ‘endings’, of completing things. I spent the last three months ‘putting to bed’ and large, complex, high risk (potentially) high return, project. This involved writing about 250 pages synthesis of the work of five teams across Europe (possibly a precursor to a book, but we shall see about this one). Don’t know about you, but when I do something like that, quality and completion are in direct proportion to the level of obsession I develop. This time it was more ‘possession’ than ‘obsession’. Now that this is finished (and appreciated) I can move on.
My sabbatical is also officially ending at the end of this month. Much was accomplished and much more needs to be completed. Remember that my words for this year are ‘reach and influence’? Well, I have been creating the conditions and now hope to start reaping the benefit. Some people use their sabbaticals to rest and replenish; I used it to move away from being ‘a consumer’ to being ‘a producer’; from being ‘a reader’ to being ‘a writer’.
This brings me to the posts that made me think or excited my curiosity.
It sound like A Blinkin has a great girlfriend; if anyone thought of me as much as she seems to think of him I’ll swell so much I probably will get stuck in the door. But I am digressing here. What I wanted to tell you is that A Blinkin published a very thought provoking post on being a consumer vs. being a producer. I think this is a very interesting question to ask ourselves; after all, we are surrounded by a culture where consumerism rules.
We all crave security; even the most revolutionary spirits amongst us do. We do want improvement, true! But as Jonathan Fields puts it everyone wants better no one wants change. He really nails it but why am I not surprised. A site well worth reading and an article that I have printed out and stuck on my board of things to remember!
Talking about security, we also crave financial security. Are you prepared to take the steps that will get you there? Miss T is making it easier for you by setting out some simple strategies.
As to printing post out and putting the where I can see them, Jonathan Fields’ one was one of two. I have also printed out Barbara Friedberd’s post on investing in real estate. This is the first of two and the one I think will be really useful to us one day very soon.
Have I mentioned before that one of my favourite bloggers, and a good friend and debating partner of mine, is Roshawn from Watson Inc.? Well, I may have done but I am telling you again: he never disappoints; he will always make me think and see something I didn’t see or see things differently. His last article is on the art of doing less (and achieving more, of course) – go read it. Now!
Landing to family and friends seems to be a popular topic with PF bloggers. Most are fairly definite – forget about it; don’t lend money to family and friends. Others are not so certain or lean the other way. Very few do what the Money Crashers have done: set the conditions under which lending to family and friends can work out. Whether I agree with those or not is not the point here. What I found interesting is the question: is lending to friends and family the best financial decision you would ever make? And I like the answer!
I suspect that 101 Centavos is back from holiday. Why? Because he has published a post asking (and answering) the question why are Europeans so skinny. Good thing he immediately specifies that he means Italians – here in the UK we are reaching American proportions. I like the last three points on his list; a lot!
On a different matter, I wanted to tell you all that The Money Principle seems to be doing rather well lately. I would like to thank:
Cil Dean for including my post on frog eating and frogology in the Friday Financial Follies – one of my favourite places.
The Monevator for including my post on whether we need insurance in their Weekend reading – a place where I wanted to be.
And Len Penzo for including my frog eating post in his Black Coffee round – Len, I am honoured.
Investing in more real estate may be in your future? Interesting.
@Dr Dean: Yep, it may. Have been thinking a lot about this one and it seems that this is one of the more accptable ways to store labour. Not very agreesing but I will invest ‘like a girl’ and see what happens.
Thanks so much. I am honored to be included and am very happy that you enjoyed the art of doing less. I LOVE your site as well. You write such thoughtful posts!!!
@Roshawn: Thanks, Shawn; sending bloggy love right back
Writing 250 pages, you deserve a medal. Are you going to treat yourself?
@Barbara: No medal, just everyday stuff. I am going to have a bit of a break from academic wriitng to recharge, though.
Some good reads for these hot summer days that are here in southern California.
@Krant: I had a bit of weather shock – left Manchester yesterday and it was 10C; landed in Rome and it was 34C. I am back so sruvived.
I also loved the 101 Centavos post. Very funny. And don’t get me started on that Watson character. How does someone become that thoughtful?
Congrats on the time of endings….sounds like lots of worthwhile projects coming together at once!
@AverageJoe: Thanks! Yep, it is time to reap it seems.
🙂 You crack me up. Thanks for mentioning Funancials –
@Funancials: Happy to to that. Just saw your wonderful news – I expected it with all the talk of buying house together and stuff but still very, very nice.
My wife and I talk about buying real estate for extra income but then that means more responsibility. We wouldn’t buy in NYC but somewhere out of state and use that as a summer home/investment property. Luckily for me I have done many photo shoots for real estate people AND my brother is an agent too.
@Jai: Glad you will have a lot of supprot, Jai. It is true though, having real estate is about like running and Empire.
I’ve already read about half the posts on this list – but I’m going to have to check off some of those I missed! Thanks for the suggestions!