Greeting’s all. I’m sad to report that I am still unemployed, and it has left a sour taste with me to say the least. My job interview with TNT postal service a few weeks ago went well and I had high hopes that I would claim my place in the training that would follow, but what has actually has happened has left me a little stunned if not perplexed.
Firstly I was told that I had ‘passed the interview stage’, and this was only last week, then to be told on Tuesday that I hadn’t got the job due to a comment of mine on my own bike riding skills, which are required to be a postman. The two main issues I have with this:
a) I only mentioned the bike training that TNT provides at the interview as a positive thing that would help me to improve and get used to bikes on the road more as I haven’t had too much recent practice;
b) the woman at Avanta has made me bordering on livid because of her tone after speaking to her. She asked me in an accusing manner “Why did you apply if you didn’t want the job”. I almost saw red, but instead just firmly told her I did want the job and I don’t appreciate the question when I have not given any indication to anyone that I didn’t want to succeed.
Not only am I now left disappointed without a job that I tried hard to get but the finger is pointed at me as if I intentionally messed up. It was also mentioned that the interviewers liked me very much as a person. To be honest my head is spinning over all this. I don’t believe I could have done any better but it’s as if I’m supposed to have made myself appear as the master of all skills and have visions of the future when it comes to exactly what questions I’m going to be asked in an interview.
So I’m left flummoxed for reasons said above, but there’s more to it. Here are several questions running through my mind over this; why was I not informed directly from the employers via the usual routes of telephone and email, instead leaving me to hear from a third party by word of mouth? Why was I told I had passed some sort of ‘first stage’ some days later after the interview, when in fact I was not even being considered for the job? And whose business is it exactly what is said during the interview, considering there should be a reason it is conducted behind closed doors? Yes, I’m left so very flummoxed (I like that word). It’s all mixed messages from Avanta and employers, and it feels to me that I’m the only honest one in this game that they’re playing, and standing alone I have no chance of winning. I tried my best, and in return I get treated like a fool with a bad agenda.
However, I’m going to have to put all this aside for now. My attitude towards the people at Avanta will not change unless they begin to treat me differently, and more humanly, but as I proceed with my appointments at their office I will just have to keep my head down and ignore the nonsensical idiocy as much as possible. I’ll play my part, but what I’m really there to do is find a job for me, not them.
There is good news, though. Next week I have two job interviews and it’s about time I got some better luck. One of the jobs is for a Marks and Spencer’s call centre and the other is for a packing job at a food company’s warehouse. If I’m honest I’m more excited about the latter, not only because it sounds straight forward but also my patience with people is wearing thin and so manual labour sounds like a good venture for me. Either way I’ll give a good account of myself and try to get offers for both jobs. My main hope this time around is that I don’t have to talk to any Avanta staff about my application and interview with either employer. If I have to I’d be tempted to sit there silently, or perhaps just be sarcastic. I know it wouldn’t be the right thing to do, but if I’m going to be openly judged on whether I realistically try to get a job then my response will not be all too pleasant. I am trying, more than I ever was before, and there is nothing more to it than that.
So here’s hoping for no more ‘Chinese Whispers’, meaning if I do well enough at the interview for Marks and Spencer’s or Continental Foods, or both, I’ll be looking to hear directly from themselves and not someone who can’t help but be judgemental and assuming, and isn’t what I’d call qualified to do so. It’s a tricky world and I don’t need anything else standing in my way, certainly not any more people with below par communication skills or poor attitude. So long as I concentrate solely on me in a positive light I’m always in with a chance.
Here’s hoping.
photo credit: david_shankbone via photopin cc
That’s terrible! It usually is tiny little comments in an interview that come back to haunt you. Sometimes they are misunderstood, but the result is the same. Learn from it and keep going.
@Krant: Thanks; I am sure Alex appreciates the message. Still, he was just pointing out something on which he needs to improve. Next time…
I’m assuming that Avanta is an employment center? I have known people who’ve had similar experiences where someone who has been tasked to help you ends up talking down to you. I don’t know why people think that when you’re looking for work that you’re not trying hard enough. It’s mentally and physically exhausting to search for work. I wish you the best and know that you’ll find something soon.
@Michelle: I have a theory about it; I think that these people are sadly tickled by the fact that there are people less powerful than they are and show off. Policy doesn’t help by giving them the message that their job is getting people off uneployment benefit not getting them in work.
Sad and shamefull, really.
Good luck on your upcoming interviews!! I was in your shoes once. I had a job, but I hated it and wanted nothing more than a new job. At first, when I would get turned out, I would get upset. But then I realized that the job just wasn’t meant for me, that there is something better out there for me. I ended up getting an amazing job a couple of weeks after coming to this mindset.
@Jon: Good point. Mentality is absolutely important and very difficult to keep in a positive frame when in that situation. Your self-esteem is rock bottom anyway so any negative comment is easy to be taken as a confirmation/put down rather than as an opportunity to change and grow.
Good luck on your next two interviews. Being interviewed and do not meet expectation level. Once I live in that frustrating world.
@Jon: It is an employers’ labour market. Some people over here (in the UK) fail to meet the criteria for rubbish collectors. Now, there is not much in sense of qualitfications you need to do that.
Sorry to hear that. The situation sounds a bit bizarre. It’s probably better that you didn’t join that mess.
Good luck with your job interviews next week.
@Midlifefinance: Thanks.
I always hate that part in a job interview where I say something that is totally honest but to the employer it makes me look completely unqualified. And then they ask if “do you really want this job”. I guess they assume people waste time filling out job applications for fun?? Hahaha.
Keep slogging along, and don’t let one bad experience get you down on future job interviews or encounters with potential employers! Good luck!
@Justin: Yeah, some people have very perverted ideas of what fun is. Then again, some people do get off on strange stuff…
I’m sorry to hear about your bad experience, it sounds like your situation wasn’t handled professionally at all. It is important that you feel confident in interviews and receive constructive feedback. Good luck with your other interviews.