About three years ago, I stopped driving to work.
And however much I wish I could say that I stopped because of an epiphany about the environment and the wonders that walking/cycling will do for my health and looks, I can’t.
I stopped because I finally looked at my payslip and didn’t like much what I saw there: my employer was charging me far too much parking fee.
Cars feature rather prominently in personal finance. We, personal finance bloggers, have discussed much the virtues of buying an older car; the good sense in buying a reliable, cheap to maintain and economical to keep on the road car; and the innate wisdom in buying a car, to begin with – after all ‘a leased car is a fleeced car’.
Then there is another camp foregoing all cars and car ownership – there is so much to be said about waiting for public transport, playing with your kids, getting wet (in my case because I live in Manchester which is the UK equivalent of Seattle) and putting up with the noise young girls sometimes make.
This post is not about any of that; after all, my faithful readers will be very disappointed if I were to ‘go with the crowd’. But two things happened yesterday that made me think about cars again.
First, after a long break I started driving from time to time again; particularly on the days I teach. Recently, I found out that I don’t have to pay for parking monthly: this not only costs a lot but becomes even more costly per unit given I work from home quite often. There is now an option that I pay for a certain number of day when I can have my car in the car park and this work for me.
What I’ve noticed is that our new Skoda CityGo checks all boxes that make the wallet of a PF blogger sing. Yet, I drive it with little love and even less respect and care.
Second, while looking for something completely mundane (our car-insurance is due for renewal soon) I came across an interesting infographic on the moneysupermarket.com. It compares the car manufacturers throughout the history of motorcar manufacture.
These two put together made me think that you are not what you drive; you drive what you are. While this is a bit of a simplification, there are four broad groups of people and they are likely to drive very different cars.
These are the people that have to be different and don’t shy from standing out. They are likely to be prone to showing off – like making inappropriate joke for effect – and are generally creative (possibly insight type creativity), may be visual.
These people are likely to drive interesting but not necessarily good and/or practical cars. I seem to be an example of this type of people (I don’t make inappropriate joke; mine are all highly proper).
I drove a Fiat 126, by choice; a very weird car, indeed, and I never knew whether I’ll get where I’m going and when. My last personal car was a bright yellow and grey, two-seater Smart. Used to joke that I am so insecure that even my car has to say ‘smart’ on it (told you, proper…). But couple of days after I got it, my son wanted to go to the cinema with his friend and I offered to drive them; John had to remind me that this is not possible. Oh, and I managed to get off all responsibility around taking my son to his music lessons – you can’t fit a son and a cello in one of those.
I loved this car!
Serious wealth
This is pretty self explanatory really. This group consists of people who are ‘heavy weights’ and they are probably quite comfortable; or would like to be.
They are likely to drive a Mercedes, a BMW, a Lexus or a Bentley (now this is what I call serous wealth). Generally the class of car known as a ‘lounge on wheels’ in our house.
Interestingly, John used to drive a Lexus; it was very majestic, safe and I seriously disliked driving it. It was not only the fear that I’ll scrape it somewhere and will need to sell our house to pay for repairs. I have not had the pleasure to drive a tank but I suspect that it probably felt similar to driving the Lexus – heavy and threatening.
Playful wealth
This group of people usually wish to appear youthful, vigorous and ready ‘to play’.
They are likely to drive sports cars, even when they are not very good or powerful ones. They will certainly prefer a Jaguar to a Bentley.
I have no experience of driving anything like that; and suspect a sports car will be completely lost on me.
Sombre citizens
This is the group of pragmatic and practical citizens. People in this group are likely to be more aware of the costs of motoring and choose their vehicles according to the costs of keeping them and their utility. I know someone who claims to choose his cars depending on whether or not he can get a washing machine in the back.
People in this group are likely to drive a Ford Fiesta rather than a Smart or a Lexus.
Why does it matter, you may think?
Well, it probably does because if I am right and we drive what we are, this is not only about the kind of car but also about driving style. Do you think the insurance industry takes this kind of thing into account?
What do you drive?
photo credit: ミαĹ7ãŶèŖ彡 ℜℜℜ via photopin cc
We just recently picked up a used Toyota crossover (Rav4). So far we love it. Not too big, but big enough to be very versatile. It’s nothing but practicality, but that’s us lately.
@Pretired Nick: Practicallity is good! But would you drive that if you had choice and you didn’t have to be practical?
Well. I’m an accountant – but I drive with my heart, not my head (I once had a Range Rover). Over the last few years I have come to love open top motoring and I’m currently on my third drop-top (Volvo C70 since you ask).
When I was considering my first convertible I had a crisis : I asked my wife, “What will I look like – a middle aged bald man in a convertible?” She looked at me straight and said, “What do you care?”
“Quite right”, I said – and ordered my SAAB.
@TaxTeddy: Love your story; and your wife is a very wise woman. Interestingly, most sports cars are driven by middle aged people. I wonder why and does it have something in common with running up steps when a man reaches a certain age (women do other stuff, so I am not targeting one gender specifically) :).
Hi Maria,
I drive a Chevy Traverse, which is a free company car. The gas on that thing I am glad I don’t have to pay for it.
Charles: Good on you for having your company pay for the petrol/gas. But, whenever I am in something like that there is always a tesnion between confort and concern for the environment…
Growing up with car buffs, I ended up not caring about cars at all. It’s pretty funny actually. I drive a Corolla and love it.
@Martin: What you said confirms my first rule of bringing up children: whatever we do they’ll end up in therapy so we may as well enjoy it. Said differently, parents can never get it right…
I’d ridin’ dirty in my 13 year old Honda Civic. I even cram my wife and our 3 kids in it. Not having a car payment for the last 10 years has been awesome! And the best thing is I haven’t even cracked 100,000 miles on the odometer, so I might get another 13 years out of it before the body rusts through!
And like you, I pay attention to costs, such as costs of driving (parking is almost always free in Raleigh North Carolina, but gas isn’t!). Walking to school to drop the kids off, or taking a stroll down to the grocery store gets me a quick workout and time spent outside, and saves me $0.50 or a buck per day. Not a ton of money, but hey, it adds up over the course of the year for something I actually enjoy doing.
Justin: Thanks for raising a very inmportant point: many people drive to the corner shop which I’ve never been able to understant. Walking not only save you money on motoring but also on gym membership; and keeps you healthy to boot.
I guess I’m a Sombre citizens. We have a Mazda 5 (not sure what it’s called over there.) It’s a small minivan that works well for us. Hope to keep driving it for 10 years.
@Miglifefinance: We are Sobre Citizens as well; we drive Skoda CityGo which is practicallity itself. But this is not what our souls are: given choice John will drive a Land Rover. As to me…well, I’m sure I’ll find something entirely impractical.
I drive a 10 year old Volkswagen Passat. Cost me £1,600.
Safe, solid, reliable, comfortable.
And best of all – someone else paid all the depreciation on it years ago.
We run one car and made the decision years ago that it would be cheaper for us to take minicabs/use a car club hire car when needed than to run a second car of our own.To get into Glasgow city centre (three miles) it’s cheaper and easier to get a minicab both ways than pay for fuel and parking. Buses and trains go too of course – but people often think cabs are too expensive and so they’ll take the car – not always so!
@Skint: We took the same decision four years ago and have only one car. I agree with you: all my caculations show that it works out cheaper to use public transport, taxi and hire a car if and when necessary. One thing we have not tried is car-sharing.
I drive a Mazda 3 GS and love it. I love the bigger engine and it just drives so smooth. Zoom, zoom! 🙂