10 Subtle Signs You Are Ready to Sort Your Money Out (Most are not about money at all)
You can have the life you want when you sort your money out. A life that is free of debt stress. Most of us don’t dream about the insane luxury of private jets, drinking champagne on a yacht and living in a house with gold-plate bathrooms. We dream about…
Debt Stress Anyone? (& Here is What I Did About It)
Are you a victim of debt stress? Do you wake up before sunrise, covered in cold sweat and feeling the fear chomping at your gut? You see, when people talk about debt, they seldom discuss feelings. I paid off a considerable amount of debt and learned enough to write…
What is it Like to be Debt-Free? (& How it Affects Your Life)
What is it like to be debt-free? Please take a couple of minutes to imagine it. Now, this is hard, I know. You may have so much debt that you always feel the weight of it. It is hard to imagine a time when the uncertainty of debt will…
Investing for Women: Winning Lessons from 5 Top Female Investors
That’s it! You are determined to start investing, and all you need is some sound and reliable investing for women tips. You also could do with some inspiration and go to the internet for it. What do you find when you search for top investors? A row of middle-aged,…
Manage Money Wisely in a World Relentlessly Urging You to Spend
I used to think that learning how to manage money wisely is about as exciting as watching snooker on TV. I also believed that money management and keeping track of money are miserable spoilsports. What can I say, I have a strong hedonistic streak – I believe it is…
Cheap Lunch Ideas: How to Lunch Like a King on a Tight Budget
You pick up your sandwich, crisps and drink and hand over your five-pound note while your mind screams that this is too much. You need cheap lunch ideas to nourish your body (and soul) to stop paying too much for unhealthy food. But is it possible to eat like…
Turbocharge Your Investment Portfolio (& Invest Like the Wealthy)
Ever felt like your investment portfolio performance is stuck in a vanilla rut while the big players are feasting on exotic flavours? Are you wondering how the Joneses (or, in this case, the Buffetts) keep their investment portfolios in excellent condition? I was perplexed as well, so I did…
Why You Should Open an ISA Now (& Start Wealth Building)
Do you hesitate to open an ISA because of… the economy, your finances, you don’t understand what this is… There are many reasons why you may wish to delay opening an ISA. And only one reason why you should do it immediately – ISA is an invaluable financial instrument…
Financial Freedom at Your Fingertips (Rise of FinTech)
In today’s fast-paced digital age, traditional banking is no longer the only option for managing your finances and achieving financial freedom. The rise of tech-driven financial services has revolutionized how people interact with their money, providing unprecedented control and convenience. Tech-driven financial services are at the forefront of this…
Women Investing Inspiration – Hetty Green, the She-Wolf of Wall Street
It is a truth universally accepted that women investing is a problem. In the realm of finance, the narrative around women and investing has often been overshadowed by misconceptions and a lack of representation. Contrary to the dated notion that women primarily spend on trivial things, we know that’s…
How Our Bank Dropped the Ball (& What It Meant for Us)
We trust banks to keep our money safe and look after basic stuff. Like closing our loan account when debt is paid off. Transferring money when we purchase stuff and crediting our accounts when money goes in. We trust banks not because we know what they do and how…
How Important is a Catchy Business Name for Entrepreneurs?
Despite the rising challenges the UK economy faces, it is still a great time to start a business. Plenty of resources make entrepreneurship more accessible than ever, and many entrepreneurs surveyed by Oneday still note that it’s an excellent time to start your endeavour. A lot of people still…