There is nothing wrong with quitting; but you have to know what to quit and why are you quitting
Well, the title of this post is a paraphrase of something I read a long time ago in a Russian novel. A guy was talking to his son who had just been in a bad fight; his admonishment was: ‘There is not much wrong with fighting but you have to…
My financial goals: one year in
Roughly a year ago now, I set myself three financial goals for the next eighteen months; no, they are not modest and, possibly, they are not SMART. Then again I have never believed that modesty is a virtue; and you all know what I think about the SMART model for…
Who would be Angela Merkel?
Angela Merkel’s dilemma Angela Merkel is between a rock and a hard place. To be more accurate, between a number of rocks and hard places. She has painted herself into a corner from which she can only escape with a substantial loss of face. Now she has her voters at…
Principled Money Posts #17: about endings, beginnings and everything else
I haven’t done one of my round ups for a long time now. If I tell you that my mail box is full of messages asking for the Principles Money posts article you probably won’t believe me; and you will be right. Still, I intend to do this a bit…
Do you really need insurance?
OK, let’s say that the going is really tough; I mean financially. Remember the choices I was talking about in my post about not having any money at all? When it comes to this it is probably easier to cut costs rather than go for increasing income. What would you…
Avoiding procrastination: about eating frogs and ‘frogology’
No, not really eating deep fat fried frog legs! But just in case you are interested, I have done this one. The French eat frogs not because they are French but because France is a traditional agrarian society where people had to eat anything when times were tough. So is…
Three quotes that will help you improve your writing
I am not a Mason! Obviously not; I am a woman and I am not married to, or the daughter of, a Master Mason. Regardless, I have long believed in the ‘as above, so below’ principle. My interpretation of this is that our actions are determined by out thoughts (well,…
Christine Lagarde is wrong! And not only for the obvious reasons
I have started interpreting Thursdays as days when I tell you about something I have read more generally. Naughty, I know! Soon we’ll be back to some exciting books; did you know that the Geek Manifesto is coming out? But for now, I’ll have to stick with the broad definition….
Staying out of the red over bank holiday weekends
Editor’s note: This is a guest post brimming with interesting data and sound ideas. Whether you’re a flag-waving fan of British tradition or you just like the idea of a long, fun-filled weekend, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee was one of the big events of 2012. Marking 60 years of Queen…
About the importance of spotting opportunities and acting on them
Today I was sitting here, thinking that my sabbatical is almost coming to an end – I have only about a month left of twelve-month study leave. I was also considering that we are still halfway through paying off our debt. And that it will take spotting opportunities and…
Another Sunday Full of Fun
Yes, we did it again! After weeks and weeks without doing anything except working this is the second weekend in a raw when we did something to restore our spirits and refresh our souls. We had fun! Today in Manchester (Manchester, UK, this is) we had glorious weather – sunny,…
How I Manage Finances in my Relationship
This is a guest post written by Dannielle at Odd Cents as part of the latest Yakezie blog swap. If you would like to see my post please visit Odd Cents; well, visit Odd Cents anyway. As it stands right now, my boyfriend and I each manage our own finances…