Summer reads: the best seller, a best written book and a book I wish I wrote
It is Thursday and it is the day I write about books. Because this is a personal finance blog I have been either writing about books on something related to money and finance, or on other books but drawing lessons about money. Today I’ll do neither; instead I will draw…
Personal Finance Olympics: I am putting up a fight
The personal finance olimpics at GoBankingRates is in full swing. There are events that are so great that simply taking part is an honour. For me running marathons is a bit like that: taking part and finishing is great; winning is delusional. When couple of weeks back I was approached…
What you are worth and six strategies to increase your value
There are many meaning of ‘worth’ and let me make it clear from the beginning: here I am not talking about net worth or your worth in the most profound existential sense of the word. If I wanted to hear about your ‘net worth’ I would have asked ‘how much…
Mid-life angst: my commitment
Ten years ago when I started running long distance some of my friends remarked that I am having a midlife crisis. My response was that as midlife crises go this is a fairly tame one – I could be buying a Harley and looking for my next toy-boy. Little did…
Principled Money Posts #19: the miracle and beauty of life
Amidst the hurry and hassle of our everyday lives we sometimes forget to stop and enjoy the beauty and miracle of life. I know I can neglect to do this; giving gratitude and bowing my head in recognition, humility and love doesn’t come naturally to me. Today I want to…
The Money Principle Needs You: Tour de Personal Finance Round 2
Thanks to your support The Money Principle’s post, Money for all seasons, made it to Round 2 of the Tour de Personal Finance contest over at My Personal Finance Journey. In Round 1 we competed against My 12 year old really hates debt over at the Money Trail and won…
About ‘smart women’, ‘nice girls’ and getting rich
On March 8, International Women’s Day, I asked my 11 year old son what shall I write that is about money and women. His reply really surprised me; he said: ‘Mum, write about how men earn all the money so women can spend it.’ Now, where did this come from?…
The Money Principle Needs You!
I have been blogging for a decent length of time now (well over a year) and during this time I have had great time making you think, providing information and entertaining. My writing had developed and this March past I finally completed my 10,000 hours. During this time I have…
Budgeting for Your Environmental Ethics
The three Rs of sustainable living are; Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Looking to incorporate this trio of principles into you daily life can greatly reduce, not only the size of your carbon footprint, but also the bills you have to meet every month. However whilst, reducing your levels of consumption…
Money lessons from unexpected sources: the importance of time
I do realise that you, my readers, have probably come to expect more from me, including my taste in literature. I love good, thoughtful and thought provoking books be these novels or technical, this is true. At the same time, and please try not to be disappointed, from time to…
Investing as science, an art form and a game
You may have already guessed that my financial priorities have been changing lately. When I first started this blog, the priority I was pursuing with the focus and determination of a top athlete was recovery: recovery from the rather large consumer debt that the 2008 credit crunch brought with it….
Principled Money Posts #18: Bella Roma edition
I spent some of last week in Rome: my third favourite city in the world after New York and Vienna! There is none of the gaudy frivolity of Paris or the imperial imposition of Vienna about Rome. It is like a gracefully aging beautiful woman – you can still see…