Principled Money Posts #20: ‘we all like to be beside the sea side’ edition
We are back after a week at the sea side; to say that it was glorious will be an understatement. It was so restful – we rented a comfortable apartment for a week at the cost of £200 ($350) which fills my PF blogger heart with joy and satisfaction. There…
Living life, loving life and budgeting for it: the Cinderella rule of personal finance
This is the article with which I competed in the Personal Finance Olympics. Enjoy! Doing our household accounts has become a ritual of mine – at the end of the month I sit in my study with a nice espresso and pour over spreadsheets, cash flow statement, receipts and handwritten…
Principled Money Posts #19: the end of the Olympics edition
Today is the day for our regular round up of epic money posts. It is also the official closing ceremony of the London Olympic games; and not surprisingly the end of the Personal Finance Olympics at GoBankingRates. Here it is time for another edition of the principled money posts series….
Do you need to join a gym? No, really!
Fitness is one of the fastest growing industries in the developed world: even in 2008, in the UK, contrary to the general economic ‘gloom and doom’ it reported an increase in market value of 2,6%. Not bad for an industry that started as the preoccupation of a small number of…
It is voting time again: The Money Principle’s entry in the Personal Finance Olympics is live
Thanks to the great support of my readers and friends The Money Principle made it to the finals of the Personal Finance Olympics at GoBankingRates. All finalists had to write an article on the following topic What is the one financial “golden rule” that you’ve since abandoned in our post-recession…
Would an end to no-win no-fee agreements be bad for ordinary people?
This article was contributed by David at CK Claims – a personal injury solicitor based in Manchester, UK Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke’s plans to reform the ‘no win, no fee’ legal scheme, due to fears of Britain’s growing compensation culture, will have a huge impact on the justice system. Ostensibly,…
When credit card comparison really pays off
It would be fair to say that our lives would be pretty much impossible without comparison; yes, I know that it is commonly believed we make decisions and act on the basis of fact but it is not true – we decide and act on the basis of our judgement…
Dreams come true: The Money Principle is a finalist in the PF Olympics
What a day! I woke up with a knot in my belly – full of expectation and worried that The Money Principle is still too young and too small to be a finalist in the Personal Finance Olympics at GoBankingRates. At 19.30 local time (I am in Sofia, remember) I…
Three short stories on money and technology
Last Saturday at the Airport, looking at the large number of electronic devices each travelling group had to put through the security belt, I started thinking that there is hardly anything natural left about our lives. Well, the lives of most of the people most of the time anyway! We…
Personal Finance Olympics: from a ‘dark horse’ to a ‘finalist’?
Yeah, it seems I am getting a taste for competitions lately. And yes, my readers, I do realise that I may be trespassing on your good will, and this message may be stretching the boundaries of dignified self-promotion, but I need one more push so hoping you all feel generous….
Tour de Personal Finance: The Money Principle is the winner
I just got a message from Jacob at My Personal Finance Journey that The Money Principle has won and is to wear the Yellow Jersey till the next race. I am really pleased; I have never won anything, you see. And winning a bloggers’ contest is really something for me:…
Tour de Personal Finance: The Money Principle is in the Final
I am really excited – Money for all seasons, The Money Principle is taking article in Tour de Personal Finance over at My Personal Finance Journey, is in the final sprint. Having won against one of my favourite bloggers – Kylie Ofiu – in the final we are competing against…