Beyond ‘The Secret’: the seven laws of the Universe Part 2
Last week I was telling you about the seven laws of the Universe that were set out by Mel Gill in his book entitled The Meta Secret. These are: The Law of Mentality The Law of Correspondence The Law of Vibration The Law of Opposites The Law of Rhythm The…
Gosh, renting is expensive! And not for the obvious reasons either
Renting, on both sides of the property divide, has been a lot on my mind lately. Why you may ask? Well, after five years of boomeranging sons (I am not even sure that this is a proper verb but I mean that they moved in back with us multiple times)…
Principled Money Posts #22: the new academic year is upon us
Last Wednesday, coming back from Bonn, I noticed the exceptionally long lines at the ‘outside EU’ counter at passport control. On a whim I struck a conversation with the border control guard. ‘Very busy today’ – I said. ‘The overseas students are back’ – she replied. This kind of real…
How to buy your first commercial property
You might have a great idea for a bricks-and-mortar business such as a beauty salon or a picture gallery. Next you need premises, which remain the most important investment in your business plan for the next couple of years, until you’re ready to scale up or change the focus of…
Living cheap and feeling cheap
Last weekend I was in Helsinki, at the beginning of a rather tiring work trip – during the last two days I gave two high pressure, high level talks in two different countries. The first one was to be in Helsinki and since I have a very good friend (and…
Last Week The Money Principle was in Six Carnivals
Last week The Money Principle was included in six carnivals of Personal Finance. Thanks to the following: Carnival of MoneyPros at Young Cheap Living Carn. of Financial Camaraderie at Broke-Ass Mommy Wealth Artisan’s FinCarn at Wealth Artisan Yakezie Carnival at Stock Trend Investing Carnival of Retirement at Finance Product Reviews…
Factoring to support small business cash-flow
Some 20 years ago I took a severence deal to leave my job in the nuclear utility where I had worked for some 20 years. It was really a no-brainer because the alternative was to spend days away from home, my new wife and kids and hours each way on…
Children and money: are we teaching our future the wrong thing(s)?
Our youngest son is starting high school tomorrow and this quite clearly means that he will have to take new financial responsibilities. Gone are the days when he could just walk down the road to his school or we could pop around to pay his dinner money. From tomorrow on…
Crystal clear with Crystal Stemberger: How I Make Money Blogging
I have been an admirer of Crystal Stemberger for…well, since I started blogging, really. I have always admired the simplicity and spirit of her site Budgeting in the Fun Stuff; as to her knowledge about how to make money blogging I can say only one thing: WOW. Crystal is a…
Attitudes to life and money: about the ants and birds
This morning I was stretched on my bed, enjoying the last days of relative leisure in our home in Sofia – in couple of days we will be heading back to Manchester and my life is going to take a sharp turn towards regimented self-discipline (ok, motivation), long working days…
The Matthew Effect: rich people not only get more, they also need to spend less
In sociology, there is a phenomenon known as the Matthew effect, or accumulated advantage. Put simply, this means that the rich get richer and the poor become poorer because of the economic and cultural capital that goes with having access to resources. Personal finance bloggers have different take on the…
Four reasons for not automating our car and home insurance
There is a lot to be said about automating your finances and I am a great proponent of it. In fact, I can safely say that our finances are as automated as they could be – at the beginning of each month set amounts of money flow to different accounts…