How I earned £128.96 an hour by being skint…
…and the curious case of cashback crack! I don’t know about you but I’m glad January is out of the way. It always feels like such a long month and a time when I have absolutely no money. And 2013 was no different as I was about to move into…
One Unorthodox Money Mentality Shift For Longterm Financial Health
Call me a snowflake. Call me an emotional woman. Tell me I don’t understand money because I would rather talk about money mentality (or these pesky feelings, beliefs and values) than primary school maths. Personal finance gurus tell us that our money destiny hangs in the balance between how…
Don’t put your loved ones at risk: get insurance
Death is not a pleasant thought, which means most people often don’t allow it to cross their mind. I don’t personally consider myself to be morbid, but at the same time I have a family and need to be realistic about their well-being. I have always been financially responsible, saved…
Principled Money Posts #32: ‘feeling grand in the Grand’ edition
After two flights and a short train journey I have finally arrived – in the Grand Hotel in Lund, Sweden. And before you start thinking that I am ‘jumping the niche’ – from personal finance to leisure and travel – this is not the case. I have always travelled rather…
Debt Freedom Highway and Three Easy Mental Shifts That Will Get you There
Who doesn’t want to be on the debt freedom highway, right? I know that when we were in debt, I would have done anything to speed up becoming debt-free. Okay, nearly anything – I would have drawn the line at selling my soul to the Devil. Traditional personal finance…
3 Helpful Money Ratios to Help You Pay Off Debt Intelligently
I promised to share with you the steps I went through when faced with an enormous, scary debt to help you pay off debt intelligently. First, I asked you to search for funny feelings and symptoms that can be an early warning that you have debt. Then lead you,…
Received wisdom is problematic: sayings I dislike
Our lives run on routines – from the moment we wake up, till the time when our eyelashes gently ring with tiredness, we execute sets of routines. We brush our teeth and don’t even remember doing it. Heck, sometimes I’ll drive to work and won’t be able to recall the…
Some like it hot, others in 3D: our Christmas presents to ourselves
The Christmas tree has been decommissioned for over a week now so it is time to look back on our festivities. And no, we are not late, we are ‘structured procrastinators’ – doesn’t matter what this means, I like the sound of it. Before Christmas, we had two ‘lucky’ emergencies….
Is it the right time for investing?
We are approaching the point where all our negative wealth will have gone and then we will have a spare couple of thousand pounds a month to play with. It has taken quite a time and a lot of effort to get to this but it will, we hope, have…
What Should You Look For When Buying A Buy To Let Property
The buy-to-let phenomenon was highly profitable for many British property-owners until the credit crunch of 2007. Almost overnight, sound investments became millstones around the neck of over-ambitious investors, and many were forced to part company with their properties at a significant loss. However, the property market is slowly recovering; rental…
Business Day TV Presents Gravity Pro Consulting
Gravity Pro Consulting is a certified SAP Channel Partner that is an industry leader in the retail, apparel, and footwear space. They specialize in reselling SAP solutions and providing implementation services, as well as a wide range of other services to clients. The end goal is to make sure that…
Does it have to be so complex? Three mental shifts to simplify your financial life
Lately, I have noticed that my life has become a bit harder! Now some may attribute this to the on-going economic crisis – we have already been through a double dip recession and are confidently marching into a triple dip one; which is a way for economists, finance buffs and…