You and I, the System Glitch: Job Centre woes
Editor’s note: Today I am very happy to introduce to you a new writer for The Money Principle. This is Alex’s first article and I hope you find it informative and useful. There are many joyful surprises that come to light for jobseeker’s claimants in the UK, if you are…
About running, money and life: lessons from Stu Mittleman
Do you know who Stu Mittleman is? I didn’t either but then a close friend, colleague and running buddy of mine told me about something called ‘slow burn’. Here, I would like to save you the bother of searching the internet for ‘slow burn’ – Wikipedia just told me there…
What do you do about saving these days?
As regular readers will know, we are looking to build an investment portfolio and are therefore becoming interested in the science and practice of storing money – that is, investing. So let me dream for a little, imagine that we have already amassed a stash and want to put it…
Tax Avoidance for the masses (well some of them anyway)
One Saturday a few months ago we were out shopping in the village and bumped into a good friend of ours who has four children – we know quite a few such families. The brief conversation got round to the (then) imminent withdrawl of Child Benefit from the ‘better off’…
Zen and the Art of Maintaining a Website: the world is changing and we need to move with it
Right, people! This article comes with a warning: if you are under 35 please stop reading now since anything I say is probably a second nature to you. Go learn something that may be useful to you. If, on the other hand, you are over forty stay with me a…
Principled Money Posts #35: Monday Begins on Saturday edition
I know! The title may sound confusing but it actually is also the title of a novel by two Russian science fiction writers – Brothers Strugatsky. It so happens that they are the only science fiction writers I really liked reading; check them out – their books are imaginative, contain…
Principled Money Posts #34: the ‘I love being fifty’ edition
If you have not already entered our give away please do so; just follow this link and enter; the possibility of winning £300 (about $450) waiting there. I probably have already said this but…I LOVE BEING FIFTY! I love the whole thing; the ability to relax with friends, the possibility…
Principled Money Posts #33: travel and holidays
Let’s start with the really important stuff: our give away. Now this one is really splendid; it is not only rather generous but also the three blogs that participate in it – The Savvy Scot, Skint in the City and The Money Principle – are uniquely British. Still, anyone can…
My Father’s only investment
Have you ever stayed in a hotel where the shower is a glass cubicle in the middle of the room? No? I am in a room like that now and this is the picture. If I wasn’t dog tired, I would have been seriously spooked – taking a shower and…
Debt Free Today (& How We Paid Off £100,000 Debt in Three Years)
We are debt-free today! And you are looking at an expensive bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon I brought back from Chile. It is empty. We drank it last Friday and it was outstanding wine. Even greater was the occasion – John and I had decided to share this bottle when…
Net Worth TV on Leveraging College to Help You Succeed
Going to college can be a great way to advance you personally. For many high school graduates, college is a must. The reason is education to set them up to succeed in the future. In fact, many jobs now look for college graduates exclusively, rather than making it the exception…
What you need to know about the new UK pension legislation
Employers have new duties to comply with starting from October 2012. Changes have been made to the UK pension legislation, introducing auto enrolment. This is a new scheme which involves the employer automatically enrolling their employees into a pension scheme which both employer and employee contribute to. There are certain…