Binary options trading: what’s the deal?
At The Money Principle, we seem to be specialising in achieving impossible targets! Our regular readers will know that, having paid off a large amount of debt, we are now aiming to build wealth – some £2.5million worth – over quite a short time – 5 years. There is no…
The Turning of the Page
Editor’s note: This is another post by Alex – this time as an exception it is on Monday. He is still keeping the Friday slot on TMP. I have now finished the two week work-based training course conducted by ICM (Institute of Customer Management), and if I’m honest I’m…
Principled Money Posts #39: …and since when being poor is offensive?
Couple of weeks ago my son, who is just twelve years old, came back from school and announced that he will ‘…beat ten bags of sh*t out of this stupid b*stards who are dissing him for being poor’. Now, usually our son is not allowed to get away with…
Let’s talk about pensions, baby: ‘lump sum’ vs. ‘annuity’
Now that my foray into the property selling/nationality mess up domain is over, I opened my work e-mail for the first time in about a week. And there it was – a reminder that I should be preparing my retirement (not even an early one, guys) and thinking about…
Top Tips on Buying Cars
Now more than perhaps ever before, household budgets are under extreme pressure. Buying and running a car is one area where hard decisions are being made. For some people, the question is whether they really need a car at all or whether they can afford one. The costs can soon…
Margaret Thatcher – a view of a life
Over thirty years ago, I was sitting in my friend Bill’s front room watching the results of the 1979 UK General Election with horror. Britain certainly had many internal problems – low productivity, general malaise, strikes and so on – but the solution did not appear to be the increase…
About free money and silly design: not all is as it seems
This has been long coming; I have not had a good rant on here for a very long time (in fact, I have probably ranted twice before) and the time is…NOW. If anyone is not in the mood for a collective catharsis through ranting, please stop reading; go do something…
Give me my money: inheritance, memories and civil status
Remember some time ago I was saying that out sons can benefit from the legacy we’ll leave behind but shouldn’t expect inheritance? All calculations for our retirement build on this assumption and our sons will have to recognise that we are doing them a great favour. When my time…
A Room with a View: training week one
Editor’s note: This Friday we continue to follow Alex on his way to employment. With the first week of his training over, he discovered unexpected side(s) to himself; you, our dear readers, will learn whether a Jaffa cake is a cake or a biscuit – as I’ve said before you…
Could we lose our money? Lessons from Cyprus
What happened? It’s simple. Cypriot banks ran out of money. When this sort of thing happens, the national government will generally stump up the cash but the government didn’t have that sort of money. In which case, the sovereign bank (like the Federal Reserve or the Bank of England) would…
Why you should claim for mis-selling
Editor’s note: This post was written in collaboration with EMCAS: they kindly provided the data but the analysis and sentiments are mine. For more information about how EMCAS can help you to make a claim for financial mis-selling please visit: I still remember the day I got my first…
Barter economies: do you have what it takes?
Do you remember when John Lennon sang ‘Imagine’? Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people sharing all the world Neither do I but this won’t stop me appreciating the meaning of the song. What…