Just Too Hot to Sell or Shop
Editor’s note: Today on The Money Principle you can read the next instalment of Alex’s reflections on life, retail, shopping and life as a young unemployed man in the UK looking for work. The schedule is a bit disturbed but Alex was poorly last week. I remember the hours spent…
Principled Money Posts #48: best of British
Well, maybe this is a slight over-statement but today you probably will excuse this weakness of mine. Because, we may be still in an economic pickle, our national debt may not be going the right way, the British pound is expected to fall further against the dollar but Andy Murray…
Get Rich, Think Like a Rich Person
Editor’s note: Tonight The Money Principle presents a guest article by Bob Richards: a rich guy and publisher of The Retirement Income Blog. There Bob discusses and provides information on all matters pertaining to retirement. Oh, and he doesn’t try to convince you that if you failed to start a…
Mary, the Smiling Job Fairy
This week I’d like to share with you a genuine surprise to me, and a very pleasant one at that. It happened on Thursday, the day I visit the Job Centre every fortnight. And in fact it was two weeks ago I wrote about ‘The Grey Building’ here on…
Four principles for choosing home insurance
Yesterday we were sitting in the garden – yes, we do have a bit of summer here in Manchester, England – having coffee and chatting. Then suddenly, John grinned and said: ‘Darling Prof, you did remember to lock the apartment in Sofia, didn’t you?’ …and I went from ‘relaxed’ to…
Does your money nourish your life?
One of the things that transpired when I met the lawyer working on selling the property in North Bulgaria was that I needed the original of a particular document which I had left at home in Manchester; somewhere! I am not entirely deprived of virtues but patience has never…
Five Ways to Improve Your Credit Score
You know that it is important to improve your credit score, right? Credit scores are a way for lenders to determine how much of a safe bet you are when it comes to borrowing. They’re a crucial factor if you want to successfully obtain credit – whether that’s a…
Quiet please, I’m shopping!
Editors note: Alex muses over the noise of shopping now and wonders what it will be like in years to come! Common haggling and bargaining for goods is a practice long since instinct in our parts of the world. Today shop assistants can do as little as point at a…
Children and money: is there a problem being a parensioner?
Have you seen a movie called ‘When Sally met Harry’; if not, go see it! Apart from it being one of my all-time favourites I recently had an occasion to remember a conversation between Harry and Sally that went something like this: Sally: One day soon I’ll be forty and…
When life is in the way of bureaucracy: selling property isn’t easy and other news
This is personal; and it is mostly a rant. So if you don’t like ‘personal or rants better get off my blog now and do something sensible like read a book or plant your garden. I rarely succumb but this minute I so need this that you aren’t going…
What is crowdfunding?
Editor’s note: Starting a business ought to be a major part of any serious wealth building ambition. We already discussed this when we let our readers know what is our goal for the next five years. And while it is true that today many businesses can be started for…
Principled Money Posts #45: orange, black and blue
Yes, my friends, this is about three colours of mastery. Last Sunday was my karate grading and I had to miss it because I was in Krakow. Because waiting for three months when I am ready would have been much more than I could content with, my master decided…