Successful Applicants Will Be Considered As Actual People
Editor’s note: Yes, my observant reader; Alex’s column on The Money Principle has been moved to Thursdays because I have something else in mind for the Fridays of the week. Let’s just say that it will be ‘one for the weekend’. As to Alex’s adventured on the job market,…
Couples save money when they set up shop together
Editor’s note: Today I have for you a guest post by Vero, the blogger behind Financial Confessions: a UK based personal finance blog focusing on investing, careers and wealth building. In this post Vero discusses the financial advantages of moving in with your beloved and the ‘take away’ is…
Excuse Me Young Sir, Could You Direct Me to the Common Sense Section?
This week I’d like to share a little frustration with you (don’t worry, I’m calm…). I think we’ve all experienced customer service or assistance and thought “I could do this much better than you”. It’s not only that I’ve applied for a handful of shops and supermarkets that I…
How to be smart and safe with money while travelling
Travelling the world can become very expensive, very quickly. Even the most experienced travellers or those with the strictest of budgets can find their finances rocked by unforeseen circumstances or simple bad luck. And this is why it is incredibly important to plan ahead as far as possible and…
Retirement Lifestyle and Design is the Key to Fulfillment after Jobs
The retirement lifestyle to which we aspire has been on my mind lately. You see, we want to have a comfortable retirement where we travel, spend time in sunny places far away and go native by learning the language and culture. In brief, we don’t want a retirement in front of…
Riddle Me This, Job Hunter
Editor’s note: This week Alex gets back to his main problem – job hunting. Do you think he will make a goof postman? This week’s article will return to one of the main focus points of my posts; news of my job search. Recently I have been assigned to…
Focus on money may be ruining your life…
…and the lives of those around you. This is what a group of professors at Harvard and the University of Utah found. But let me take you through this one a bit more gently. In June, 2013 Daily Finance and other reputable sources reported on the results of research published…
Mobile marketing scams
I am spitting feathers. Worse – it is a long time since I have been so angry. Those who know me will recognise that I don’t usually blow up but today I did. And when I do, it is best to take cover. Why? Who is it that has made…
Pension? I don’t have one of those.
Last time I was visiting a friend in the south of England, we naturally drifted towards discussing our pension provisions. Well, we’re both academics, women in our 50s, and we learn through experience that sound money management needs the attention of a good woman. While we were busy discussing…
Principled Money Posts #49: spending or investment, this is the question?
What the heck! I am an adopted Brit (and my country of origin doesn’t seem very keen on me anyway) so I may as well talk about the weather again! This time, my statement about the weather, however, will jus provide a background for something else, namely a discussion about…
When Appliances Break: Death of the Freezer Storage Thingy
Editor’s note: Remember I was saying that one needs an emergency fund after all? As if this were a premonition, Alex tells us that his freezer broke and what this means for his immediate life. Oh, and he pays homage to his family but this is another matter :)….
One needs an emergency fund after all!
In blogging, there are posts that we all sooner or later write. In personal finance blogging I reckon two posts that serve like a ‘rite of passage’ are ‘the latte/coffee post’ and the ’emergency fund’ one. If you have read The Money Principle for any length of time you,…