Frugal Living: 60+ Tips for Living a Cheap(er) & Rich(er) Life
Are you experimenting with frugal living? Are you held back because you don’t understand how to live frugally? Would you appreciate some practical, frugal ideas to start you off? Look no further. Here I offer: A brand of frugality that helps you live a cheaper and wealthier life. The…
Software, Due Diligence, and More: How Startups Can Reduce Legal Costs
Like all things, building a successful business from scratch needs a strong foundation. Sometimes, a good idea is your best starting point. Inspiration for your business can come from generating other ideas daily, seeing which ones stick around, and filtering the ones that can be turned into reality and…
Myths of Personal Finance: You Know That Compound Interest is Overrated, Right?
I can hardly look through the personal finance articles of the day without reading something that extols the power and beauty of compound interest. Personal finance geeks will tell you to start saving as early as possible so you don’t miss out on compound interest. They’d tell you that saving…
100 Words on the Power of Compounding
The power of compounding is described as the eighth wonder of the world. It transforms modest initial investments into substantial wealth. By reinvesting the earnings from your investments, you earn interest not only on your original amount but also on the accumulated interest. This exponential growth can seem slow…
Achieving Financial Health: A Journey to Financial Freedom
Achieving financial health is the smart goal if you wish to build sustainable wealth. Abandon the youthful dream of riches to become financially healthy – and wealth will follow. “It would be lovely to take several months off work and travel around the world, training with different groups in their…
What is Brittle Financial Health? (& Financial Fragility Test)
Some people dream about being rich. Some yearn for financial health, paving the path to sustainable wealth. Some only dream while living with brittle financial health. They dream of riches, of healthy money habits, and of waking up with growing investments instead of debt. Then, they wake up from…
Understanding Personal Financial Fragility (& Its Effects on Life)
Are you one of the people who don’t have enough savings to cover a 25% drop in earnings? You are not alone. According to an article by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) 55% of single parents don’t have enough savings to cope with even a modest drop in…
5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Could Change How Writers Make Money
We tend to think of artificial intelligence as a thing of the future. However, it is interesting to consider whether it would change how writers make money. Science fiction has presented scenarios about intelligent machines, from R2-D2 and C-3PO’s metal-plated Abbott & Costello routine to The Terminator’s hellscape vision….
Nutmeg Review (& Is Nutmeg Investing a Choice for You?)
Our Nutmeg review is informed by research and experience—I have invested in a Nutmeg ISA for a decade. Nutmeg or any third party did not influence my opinions. Please read the review, including my take on the Nutmeg portfolios, investment styles, and analysis of Nutmeg performance, and decide whether…
Nutmeg ISA Review (& Lessons from a Decade Investing)
Are you considering opening an ISA but can’t decide which one to choose? Let me tell you about the Nutmeg ISA, then. From my Nutmeg ISA review, you will learn about its distinguishing features, performance, and what that means for your venture into the investing world. Finally, I will…
10 Investment Myths Women Believe Debunked
Investment myths are not harmless tales of times past. No. They are the monsters lurking in the shadows of your mind, gobbling down your resolve to start investing and change your life. Because of these investing myths, your nose is pressed against the window of the investing world, looking…
What is the Problem with Low Savings (& How it Affects You)?
Let me ask you a question: How much savings do you have? Keep the answer to yourself if you like. We are British, and we view (over)sharing about money as vulgar. But if you have low savings, keep reading. According to a recent study, over 11 million people in…