On the Money: Not Buying Lattes Will Not Solve Your Money Problems
How is your Sunday going? Mine is great. I’m packing for my next trip – this time to Georgia the Country – while looking at a very large Christmas tree and writing this note to you, friend. Why the hurry? Because I just realised that I have not chatted to…
About the Price of Bitcoin, Value and Why I’d Rather Have Some Gold Sovereigns
You have heard about the ever rising price of Bitcoin, right? There has been so much noise about it in the media lately that I doubt you’ve missed it. While the price of Bitcoin has been going up, I’d still don’t think it has any value. Please read this, and…
Six Options for Funding a New Business Startup
Armed with an excellent idea for a new business and the drive to make it happen, you’re effectively half-way there. But only half-way – given that you won’t be taking a step further without the financial resources to fund the venture. But while there’s no denying how challenging it…
100 words on choosing payment today vs a hefty paycheque in the future
When I told a friend my husband corrected a fault plaguing my site that two professionals failed to identify, he asked: ‘Would it be better if your husband builds web-sites instead of working on this long term project of his?’ My husband did consulting jobs hard to get and stressful…
This is Why My Love Affair with Value Stocks was Passionate and Brief
This post will help you make up your mind about investing in value stocks from the position of insider knowledge not irrational fear. Over my two year long affair with value stocks I learned a lot about investing, I rode the hills and dales of the stock market and, finally,…
Building Savings is Really That Easy: there is only one thing you need to watch
From this post, you’d learn about the one thing that matters when it comes to building savings: your monthly cashflow. Building savings is really that simple: if your life costs less than the money you bring home you build savings, if it costs more you build debt. No point over-thinking…
Teaching Money Habits: Your Teen and Poverty Mentality?
Does your teen think you are poor even when you’ve just returned from a nice holiday in the sun? They may be displaying early symptoms of what is known as a poverty mentality. And if poverty mentality was only mildly unpleasant and offensive to you, I wouldn’t be telling you…
Pay Off Debt or Save and Invest
Pay off debt or save and invest? This is the question. Prioritising what you should do with your money is always an issue. Most people, especially those aged 25-40, are usually carefree regarding money. Saving up for the future is not really a priority, and paying everything off with…
Conversations About Money With Teens or Why I Refused My Son 10 Euro
Having conversations about money with teens is not easy. In this post I share why the most important money competence you can help your teen develop is spending money, the five essential skills when spending and how I’m trying to do this with my son. The five essential skills to…
7 Money Wasting Habits You Need to End
Money. Sometimes, it seems like everything is about money. Often, money is the main factor in our lives. It’s why we work. It’s how we get the things we need. It’s what drives ambition. The lack of it can mean misery, even starvation. We need to make as much money…
Which One Are You: 4 Different Types of People When It Comes to Money
We all know people who handle money completely differently from the rest of their family or their partner. One spends, and the other saves to the point of making the eagle scream. Basically, there are four different types of people when it comes to money. You can even take quizzes…
Conversations About Money: Being Wealthy is Not About Money
“Are we going to be poor, mum?” – my teenage son asked. I was driving us to the gym and we were talking about changing our phones. Naturally, he wants a top-notch iPhone; I understand that. I worship in the temple of ‘Apple’ too. What was my son about? I…