5 Reasons Why You Need to Manage Your Money
Prince or pauper, it doesn’t matter how many letters come after your name as we all need to manage our money. Sure, some of us have bigger bank accounts than others but even those rich kids in Surrey need to worry about what they will do when the need to…
Personal Finance for Women from Women: reading resource
There was some news about personal finance for women that broke just in time for International Women’s Day. It turns out the main finding of a study analysing 300 personal finance articles was that 90% of the ones directed to women were about ‘reigning in’ spending while 70% of the…
5 Reasons Value Stock Analysis Must be Taken with a Large Pinch of Salt
Do you know why value investing and value stock analysis go together like and hand and glove? It is because every time you buy stocks and shares in a company you are betting on its future. And predicting the future, be it the future of people, companies or the economy,…
10 Lies About Money You Probably Still Believe
There are many lies about money you probably still believe. Don’t blame you – I did believe many of these money lies as well before I put my brain into gear and did some sums. You don’t even need complex maths, or any maths for that matter, to see that…
The Best Ever Investing Tips for Women
In days past, men were seen as the primary online investors.They still are the main investors – women have many excuses not to do so.. And while investing tips for women are not enough – they also need examples and inspiration – here we focus on providing some pointers. According…
Seven Step Practical Guide to Help You Decide When It Is Time To Quit
I just quit writing a long blog post about the signs that help you decide when it is time to quit. Why did I do that? I did it for the same reason I quit skiing this week. I quit because the costs of writing the post outweigh the benefits…
This is How a Seemingly Expensive Holiday Works out Cheaper Than a Cheap One
Sitting on a chair lift, getting ready to go down a snowy slope and examining my life for misdemeanours, just in case I’m about to meet my maker, I overheard the conversation between my two co-lift people. ‘We are staying in the Grand’ – the lady said. ‘We probably wouldn’t…
How to Have Fun on a Budget, See Your Friends and Not Break the Bank
Today, I’ll tell you how to have fun on a budget so that you can see your friends, even when in money trouble, and keep your bank account happy. My friend J. Money did what we all should do: instead of trying to figure out what are the most popular…
This is What Personal Finance Experts Don’t Tell You About Debt
You’ve just decided it’s time to deal with your debt and have set out to learn all there is to know about debt and what to do about it. You read blogs, you read top-notch websites and, if you are really into working things out, you may even be…
Making Investing Personal to Beat Your Investing Goals
Beating your investing goals is more about knowing yourself than it is about picking stocks A recent article did a great job of describing ways to make your money work for you. Of the five investments, I’ve actively invested in four and love the results I’ve gotten from each. It…
Investment Return of 2% in the First Week of 2018 Matters but Won’t Make the News
You know that The Money Principle is known for honesty and openness on all things money. Here you can read about our mistakes, our smart money moves and our outright silliness. So, you can believe me when I tell you that our investment return during the first week of 2018…
How to stop wanting things, budget like a boss and never see a budget again
Do you spend hours pouring over your budget just to end up the month broke and disappointed? Yes, I used to do this as well. I’d spend my time and energy deciding what I’m allowed to spend on different items just to find that I’d forgotten something important. At the…