Five Reasons You Should Buy a Bread Maker if You Don’t Already Have One
My bread-maker is one of the gadgets in my kitchen that saves me time, money and gives us so much sensual pleasure. There are good reasons to buy a bread maker if you already don’t have one. (You know that there are few pleasures that compare favourably to the smell…
The Trap of Over-diversifying and How to Avoid it
Editor’s note: Diversifying our investments makes sense, right? Only fools put all their eggs in the same basket. But can we have too much of the sensible thing? This post by a fellow blogger I’ve come to respect argues that we could fall into the trap of over diversifying investments…
What Is the Best Way to Make Money?
We all, at one time or another, consider the best way to make money. We do not have to be having a mid-life crisis. In a perfect world, we would all have enough money to do everything we wanted. We could dine out every night, take exotic vacations on a…
Five Things That Matter More in Life Than Wealth
I’ve been thinking lately that my relationship with wealth and money is like the one someone suffering from bulimia has with food. I oscillate between a state where money – making it, keeping it and investing it – dominates completely and another one where I’m not that bothered. How…
Bailiff Scam: How to Spot a Money Scam and What to do About It
I’ve never written about a money scam; about people being defrauded of thousands of pound and the scum who do it. Today’s post is all about how to spot a money scam and what to do about it. Because we had a brush up with the ‘bailiff scam’ and I’m…
5 Things to Look for When Choosing a Forex Trading Broker
The foreign exchange market is unique in numerous ways, including its rapid growth and 24-hour schedule. However, one characteristic sets it apart from the other financial markets in the world. With over 5 trillion dollars traded each day, the forex market is the largest in the world. Still, beginners…
Spring Clean Your Budget and Take Charge of Your Money and Your Life
In this post I share the blueprint, and the tools, you need to spring clean your budget and take change of your money. Oh, and if you are curious you could also have a peek at the results of my budget spring clean. I feel ambivalent about budgets. On the…
6 Money seeds to bring you prosperity in later life
Editor’s note: Many people believe, somewhat misguidedly, that their future prosperity depends on spreadsheets, calculators and the iron discipline to squeeze the living hell out of your life. I’m not one of those. Yes, I have spreadsheets and I know my day-to-day money; what I find most helpful in the…
13 Rules of Effective Budgeting to Match Your Money and Your Values
In this article I share 13 rules of effective budgeting to help you ensure that your spending matches your values. Budgeting may not be sexy, but it can be fun. You know that I’ve always felt ambivalent towards budgeting. On the one hand, I really don’t find budgeting sexy. (Yes,…
How to Get the Pay Rise You Deserve and Give the Gender Pay Gap a Finger
If you are paid less than your colleagues for your work you need to get a pay rise. If you do all the low paid stuff your colleagues can’t be bothered with, you need to change. You don’t have to! This post will help you give the gender pay gap…
7 Little Known ISA Rules You Should Not Ignore
I really thought that I know the ISA rules inside out. Until last night, I was messing around on the internet, as you do, and found something that surprised me. Hence, decided to double-check some of the rules of ISA – the end of the tax year is rapidly approaching,…
Investing in Stocks and Shares ISA is a Priority and Here is Why
Three weeks ago, I maxed my investing in stocks and shares ISA; John maxed his as well. “What? You invested in the stock market now, when the index is jumping up and down like an over-excited puppy?” – you may think. Yes, friend. This is exactly what we did….