
Personal Finance Learning Made Easy: Why Not Watch a Movie

Personal finance learning can be daunting sometimes. Even if you are really interested in your money, and how it works in the economy, you’d learn more if learning were to be made more fun.

And what is more fun that the movies.

I love movies; always have done and always will. Until now, I’ve been contented watching movies; someday I’d like to make a movie. It is a bit like my desire to write novels (and one day very soon I will).

Let me get back to movies and personal finance; or generally finance.

There are movies about money that I simply love; like Wall Street, for example. What is not to love about it? It is an engaging story beautifully told, brilliant directing and acting that is off the awesomeness scale.

There are also movies that help me make sense of the world of finance; like ‘The Big Short’. If you haven’t seen it, please do. This story may not be as engaging as the one in Wall Street but it is immensely enlightening about the sources of the financial crisis of 2008. Okay, I have the book as well and have read it; still, watching the movie was something else.

What I’m really saying is that one way to make personal finance learning easy and pleasurable is to watch some movies about it.

Which movies, I believe, cut it?

My friends from PersonalIncome.org have compiled an info-graphic of nine must see Wall Street movies. I’d add The Big Short to it but otherwise not bad choices: these movies educate and entertain.

Have a look! How many of these movies have you already seen?


personal finance learningSource: www.personalincome.org (thank you, friends)






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