All you have to do is to take the quiz Barclaycard and researchers from the University of Brunel have developed.
This will ask you to answer few questions and will place you in one of four ‘shopping tribes’.
Oh, and don’t believe the bubble saying ‘It takes 60 seconds to complete’! It takes 20 seconds; at least this is how long it took me and I did time it (sad, I know).
Did you do it? Now, to enter the competition for £60 to spend on Amazon (and you can win even if you are not a Screen Saver) leave a comment telling us what shopping tribe you belong to: this will take another 40 seconds!
Have you ever earned £60 in 60 seconds? Gosh, this is a pound a second?
This is your chance! I’ll select randomly the winner on Sunday, December 1st and announce her/him here.
What is my tribe?
I dislike shopping with passion! Always have done.
I don’t like going to shops, I have problem choosing stuff and if nothing shouts at me ‘buy me, I am yours’ within three seconds of entering a shop I am out. Empty-handed!
With one exception: bookshops. I could spend hours there, test-reading the books, inhaling the smell of paper and glue and forgetting about the world.
My deteriorating eyesight put a stop to this; I found Amazon. Now I can spend long on the web, looking for books and buying them with one click. Kindle in my book was the greatest invention since canned beer (pun intended).
Imagine my surprise to be told that I am a ‘high street pounder’. This means that I like shopping in ‘real’ shops, know the name of my local butcher and greengrocer, can be tempted by luxury items and while committed to my family, I still want to enjoy ‘me’ time.
Which is all true!
So I am left here wondering how a test of four question or so can tell me stuff about myself that I didn’t know. Then again, the University of Brunel has some really hot researchers :).
Have you done the quiz yet? What are you waiting for – use your chance to win £60 and achieve deeper self knowledge.
photo credit: x-ray delta one via photopin cc
I am also a high street pounder
I am a profit prophet
Im a shopping hunter gatherer, its a fair cop and I cant dispute that one.
It called me a “Screen Saver,” but I have to say that I do most of my shopping in the physical world, considering that most of it is grocery shopping. Although, I do make sure I’m getting the best deal firs! 😀
I am a BArgain HUnter Gatherer 🙂
I rarely go shopping! In fact, my wife and I create lists for the various places we get certain items. I will do some of the shopping and she does the rest. The only exception is my shopping online. This ranges from running shoes to vitamins. Since I am a lifelong planner, there is virtually nothing that I need on a daily basis. I plan ahead and buy my stuff online.
I am Bargain Hunter Gatherer. Sounds about right as I am female, living with partner in the North and a typical bargin hunter. Woo 🙂
According to the quiz I’m a high street pounder, which is true if I have to buy some sort of food because I like to touch, smell and see the items. But I really like to buy online other stuffs (books, electronic things (camera, laptop), home equipments and tickets for theatre, cinema and public transport) because it’s comfortable. In one hand nobody bother me when I read technical specifications and I have plenty of time to think about it, on the other and I don’t waste my time to stand in a queue… 🙂
BARGAIN HUNTER GATHERER – I wouldn’t have said that. maybe its true.
I am a I am Bargain Hunter Gatherer – Sounds about right. I love to write bargain hunting tips on my blog. Thanks for the comp x
High street pounder 🙂
I’m a Screen Saver although I don’t agree with “You’re actually unlikely to step foot in shops, preferring to get your goods delivered direct to your home”. I do a lot of research online but with some products (high value camera equipment or clothing) I follow up with a visit to the shop.
I am a profit prophet
I am a bargain hunter gatherer!
I’m a Screen Saver.
High Street Pounder! xxx