Editor’s note: This post by Little House from Little House in the Valley is part of the Yakezie blog-swap. You can read my post on Little House in the Valley.
By 14, I’d become the neighborhood babysitter, making $5 an hour I’d watch up to three children per household.ย My reputation became so well-known, the community church hired me to take over their daycare center before the age of fifteen. The money was flowing in and I wasn’t even old enough to drive yet.
It was my first real experience earning extra money. Having financially savvy parents, they encouraged me to open a savings account to benefit from the 8% interest rate of the time. Though I had some inclination to save money, the cash I was earning “Under the Table” was burning a hole in my pocket- almost quite literally.
Let me just say that I quickly learned that cold, hard cash and I don’t really mix well. It’s much too easy to lose, spend, or part with rather than a check that has to be deposited into an account.
One night, after getting a ride home from the church nursery with a neighbor, I was enjoying the summer night air, hanging with a friend on the lawn. I had placed my night’s cash salary in a belt loop since I was wearing an outfit that didn’t have pockets and I was still too young to have caught onto carrying around a purse (this was the ’80’s when purses weren’t nearly as popular for young folks as they are today!) By the time I reached my house, the cash was gone! It had fallen out somewhere between the neighbor’s house and my own. Needless to say, it was too dark to find it and I was too embarrassed to ask the neighbors if they had found it in their car or on their lawn.
Lesson learned: Store cash in a safe place where it won’t get lost!
My nightly routine often involved diapers changed, children fed, and then off to bed they went. The extra income kept flowing in; I was lucky that our neighborhood was filled with young couples and their young children. I began to feel entitled to spending a portion of it on clothing. As a teenager, new clothing was incredibly exciting! What else was I going to spend my money on?
Each month I’d budget out a portion on clothes that I’d spend at an inexpensive chain store. My closets soon became filled with cheap clothing that would only last a few wash-cycles, which meant I needed to purchase more clothing!
Needless to say, I was spending too much of my hard-earned cash from changing nappies on items that weren’t made to last.
Lesson learned: Don’t let extra cash burn a hole in your pocket. Spend your money wisely!
As I became more knowledgeable about saving money from my babysitting gigs, my savings account grew. By the time I was ready to move out of my parents house I had enough money saved for a rent deposit, a used car, and still some left over for emergencies.
Working multiple jobs, including babysitting, serving coffee, and twirling pizza dough, allowed me to become financially independent at a young age and that was the most important lesson learned: hard work and responsibility equated to me being able to choose my own path in life and set the stage for a solid financial future.
Do you remember your first money-making experience? How did that shape your financial future?
I have lost more cash than I dare to admit, it always hurts whatever the amount! One of my first job was an inventory we spent like 12 hours standing and I earned $20 or so, it really taught me the value of hard work!
My first money earning experience was when I was 7 years old! I rented parking spaces on my parent’s land. I spent it right away on a wallet and I had nothing to put in it. At least for the moment! I think it was m y first personal finance lesson. I learned a lot that day. I learned to save my money so I could get more!
What a cool idea with the blog swap…had no idea. I raked leaves to earn my first money. The coolest feeling!
@Tony: Get on the next one or we can even have a private one; What do you say?
My first side-hustle story can be found elsewhere, but your story made me think of my childhood…
When we were little, my younger sister was an excellent saver. She would save for months when I would spend anything I got within days. One day we went to a Chuck E. Cheese (where they have tons of arcade games) and she blew through her entire savings ($8, she was about 6 years old) in around 30 minutes. Once she realized what she’d done she cried all the way home, literally.
But ever since then she’s been the most frugal human being I’ve ever met! I tell my brother-in-law all the time that he owes his savings account to Chuck E. Cheese. ๐
The best way I found to save is with automatic payment taken off my paycheque. That’s how I had a holiday in Hawaii and managed a downpayment for a home. Otherwise, I make impulse shopping like 95% of the population. ๐