Last week I was telling you about the seven laws of the Universe that were set out by Mel Gill in his book entitled The Meta Secret. These are:
The Law of Mentality
The Law of Correspondence
The Law of Vibration
The Law of Opposites
The Law of Rhythm
The Law of Gender
The Law of Cause and Effect
In my previous post I discussed the first three of these laws. Today, I will address the other four laws of the Universe in turn.
The Law of Opposites
The fourth law of the Universe is the law of opposites. It states that all opposites are the same in nature but different in degree. In other words poverty and riches; fear and courage; love and hate are on a continuum and one can move easily between them.
One important implication of this law is that it doesn’t matter where you are today – you can always change your position on the scale. Also whether you move towards poverty or riches is your choice and entirely within your control. And here the author does something really interesting: he claims that ‘acceptance’ is a neglected opposite to resistance. Choosing ‘acceptance’ focuses one’s mind on the positive rather than the negative and concentrates energy on moving out of the situation rather than on regret. Thus, acceptance doesn’t mean passive submission but provides a rational foundation for action. Achieving acceptance needs long practice – a good game is to look around (particularly when in a negative situation) and find positive things that you like.
The Law of Rhythm
The law of rhythm states that everything that exists in time has its own rhythm – the three states of existence are no exception. Rhythm is the measure of change and by understanding its flow we can maintain mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. This law brings together the laws of vibrations and opposites. Different kinds of rhythm affect different parts of us – drumming affects the mind and brings about higher levels of consciousness. This is probably why drumming is always a part of mystical rituals and shamanism – it is used to induce a trance.
This law has important implications for our wellbeing. First, it implies that we should aim to achieve congruence (correspondence) between our rhythm and the rhythm of the Universe – in other words our undertakings will be successful and pleasurable if we ‘go with the flow’ (this, however, means that we have to learn to listen for and understand the rhythm). Second, this law aids acceptance – one should accept that in the rhythm of life there are high points and low points and these are natural. Achieving balance is to understand this and to work with the knowledge and feeling. And third, this law has applications for health particularly psychological health. Apparently, studies show that the sound of the harp is very beneficial to depression. Also, we use the expression ‘I am out of sorts’ – this means that we are out of rhythm. Our different systems are out of rhythm and the physical expression of this is that our stomachs contract. Restoring the rhythm is possible using the power of the mind – when the rhythm stops, we stop.
The Law of Gender
The law of gender is a very interesting one because is more about ‘class’ (as in classification) than about gender. This law is about balance in the Universe – a balance between positive and negative change (with no axiological values assigned to positive and negative). It is about the belief that everything and everybody carries ‘the feminine’ and ‘the masculine’ at their core. The masculine is positively charged and outwardly oriented while the feminine is negatively charged; the masculine pushes while the feminine pulls. The human soul has feminine and masculine energy forms: ‘me’ with its emotions, habits and moods is the feminine; ‘I’ with its desires and wishes is masculine. ‘Me’ is the creator and ‘I’ is the enactor – neither is much good without the other.
This has serious implications for the law of attraction – it stops being the passive, feminine creative imagining; it ought to be enacted by incorporating masculine action. The two kinds of energy ought to be balanced for success – too much feminine and one is a ‘dreamer’; too much masculine and one lacks creativity and imagination. Another implication is that too much competition, which is a function of the masculine, acting side of us, can leave us with exhausted batteries. Important message to industry, particularly for creative enterprises is that their employees ought to be encouraged to develop their feminine energies. Another side to the law of gender is about conception and development – this is the message that everything needs time to come to fruition. Starting a business, for instance, cannot bring benefits immediately; it needs time and by associations demand persistence. Part of this is the core belief that what you want is coming to you.
The Law of Cause and Effect
The law of cause and effect posits that nothing is accidental and everything happens for a reason. Things are not predetermined though – everyone hold their own destiny. Reasons only set in motion long chains of events. This law simply means that when one acts things happen – we have to be aware of these things and be careful of our actions.
Our actions are our responsibility – this work in two different ways. First, apportioning blame is not productive – taking responsibility for your actions is the way to grow. And second, the Universe offers us opportunities – whether we notice these opportunities and use them to magnify and aid our actions is entirely up to us.
This law is the basis for self reflexivity – it is important to comprehend the reasons for our actions by ourselves. And these reasons are our thoughts – so to work with this law we have to be aware of our thought and practice positive, productive thinking. Negativity can get in – but it has to be allowed to pass so that one can return to more productive thinking. This is achieved by focused and long practice.
Final words
I have to say that I am still ambivalent to all that; but some of it undoubtedly works. Drumming does affect my mind; the harp music I bought for a friend with depression has really helped; and music certainly affects my mood and my ability to concentrate and think creatively…or run faster and further.
You can try this one very easily. Do you have any Latin American or gypsy (flamenco will do) kind of music? Play it! How do you feel? Now play Foure or something similar – what do you feel now?
For me I know that although gypsy music is usually not my choice to listen to, whenever I hear it my heart starts dancing and my mood lifts. Foure? Love the music but feel really despondent while and after listening to it. So there – the law of rhythm is action.